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Mystery shrouds the land of Agrendoc, amongst it with-holding many dark secrets. Biomes ranging from thick forests, to tall mountain peaks, humid rainforests and deep ocean trenches scrape the landscape. The vast land only shows traces of settlement, five towns titled Oroyan, Favindew, Travista, Balistad, and Loralli are all that stand. The inhabitants; however, are not humans but forest animals that walk on their hind legs, bipeds they are titled. Foxes, raccoons, felines, red pandas, and rabbits walk as one. Each is gifted with magical abilities granted by the unknown powers of wyspers. However, out of the five towns only three stand, Travista, Balistad, and Oroyan. The governing bodies of these places are seemingly corrupt Houses, manipulating the very people that live there.



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Site, Images and Group (C) Tarrath, Vi-vify, Icomett

Story (C) Tarrath



Events coming soon!

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