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Agrendoc is filled with more mystery than the scholars can keep record of, but from the beginning of their creation the citizens were sure of one thing. The Spirits that set their lives into motion exist. Some claim they watch over the land as the citizens sleep, others believe they lay in a deep slumber awaiting the moment when they are needed once more. 

The Obelisk

Said to have once been the single tear that fell from The Sentinel's eye, it crashed into the earth in the form of a shooting star. Once cooled this meteor began to bleed a magical liquid that created the first Agrendoc Citizens and The Keepers. 

The Obelisk has been lost to time.

The Sentinel

Not much is known about this being.  Genderless it is said to have created what is here today. Once before it had created the world and bestowed manking upon it, but soon regretted its decision and wiped them out. It then created The citizens of Agrendoc and soon after disappeared.


Vulux The Swift | Female

Vulux was the first keeper created and is said to be quite wise, but her mischievous nature says otherwise. She can seem rather kind in her ways but she more than likely has an ulterior motive. 

She holds fragments of sadness from The Sentinel.

Ignus The Fearless | Male

With a soul much darker than his pelt, Ignus can be brutal in his honesty and passionate about his opinions. Close relations to Vulux he is her confidant in matters regarding the future of Agrendoc.

He holds frragments of Anger from The Sentinel

Cervisces The Wise | Male

Like his appearance may suggest this keeper is very graceful in his mannerisms and expects nothing less than perfection. Do not let his calming disposition fool you.

He holds fragments of Intuition from The Sentinel

Ferrellum The Nurturer | Female

The Motherly soul of the council, Ferrellum is kind and understanding when it comes to all and every issue. She Instructs others in her ways of self-sacrifice with a warm spirit.

She holds the fragments of Love from The Sentinel

Lepno The Forgiving | Female

Like the trees that take countless torments and still remain to stand, Lepno is forgiving and firm in her ways of thinking. She thrives on the qualities that make courageous citizens.

She holds the fragments of Joy from The Sentinel.

Keeper Images (C) Vi-vify
Other Images (C) Tarrath

Characters (C) Tarrath

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